Hannes Kaufmann

Artistic Design Warrior

For Hannes, his professional life comes down to three defining moments:

  • When he was 10 years old, acquiring his first PC (C64) made him the computer nerd he still is and led him to study Computer Science at the Technical University in Vienna.
  • Meeting his lifetime friend, mentor and design teacher at age 15, forged his undying love for the fine arts, creativity, design, architecture and the beauty in everything around him.
  • At the age of 19, he landed at Los Angeles Airport with just a suitcase and his zeal to study Product and Communication Design, which finally gave him the chance to experience and embrace first-hand the different environments and perspectives, he knew would be so critical on his quest to become an outstanding designer.

His quest is ongoing – Hannes still works on becoming a better designer each and every day, and he believes a day without learning is a lost day!

In his personal life, Hannes is happily married, has three wonderful children and a cat. Hannes and his family recently bought a house in Vienna, the beautiful city they have been calling home for more than 20 years now.

Curious fact #1

At the age of 45, Hannes decided that once in his lifetime he wanted to have a six-pack. So he asked Adidas for help, became a vegetarian and trained for three months incessantly, just to finally have his six-pack for a week or so.

Curious fact #2

Hannes loves bread. The real sourdough stuff. For more than a decade now, he has been searching for the perfect recipe. And along the way, he bakes & bakes & bakes… bread, rolls, baguettes, pretzel sticks, cakes, you name it!

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