Karuna Yogananthan

Magical Dragon Tamer

Karuna was born in Paris, yet quickly moved to the alpine climate of Grenoble. His Sri-Lankan origin made up for an eclectic mix between the French-European and Indian cultures. Karuna is a playful character, with a spiritual edge and a knack for deep thinking.

After spending a decade in two large corporations, in 2004 Karuna decided to start a company together with friends to offer management training and business consulting abroad. In 2011, he decided to blaze his own trail in order to be able to focus on the one thing he had enjoyed all those years: developing others. He joined GAIA Insights for one reason: he found a tribe of great people with the same values, the same mission and the goodwill to positively impact the world.

Do you want to discover your inner dragons? Tame and raise them? Embark on a journey with Karuna.

Curious fact #1

His diverse cultural heritage turned Karuna into a cheese/rugby/boardgames as well as a mountain lover. His musical taste ranges from punk and hard rock to classical music.

Curious fact #2

Since 1992, Karuna has been organizing live action role play games. He went from story-telling to story-living and is sharing this magic by writing stories that are played by others.

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